- You can find more about Slow Food on the Slow Food International and Slow Food Australia website.
- A list of Slow Food International Publications.
- Terra Madre website
- Slow Food Youth Network website
- The Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity has released many publications of interest to Slow Food members, read them all here.
- The Slow Food Companion is your PDF guide to the world of Slow Food.
- Bite Size Slow Food is a booklet published by Slow Food outlining the world of Slow Food and the story of the global food system, ahead of their participation in Expo from May to October 2015.
- Slow Food Almanacs 2014-2016 is a collection of previous years lived by the worldwide Slow Food network: projects, campaigns, aspirations and outcomes.
- The Central Role of Food Congress Paper, written by Slow Food founder and president Carlo Petrini
Farmers’ Markets in South Australia
- Adelaide Hills Farmers’ Market, Mount Barker
- Adelaide Showgrounds Farmers’ Market, Wayville, Adelaide
- Barossa Farmers’ Market, Angaston
- Mount Gambier Farmers’ Market, Mount Gambier
- Mount Pleasant Farmers’ Market, Mount Pleasant
- Limestone Coast Farmers’ Market, Kalangadoo
- Victor Harbor Farmers’ Market, Victor Harbor
- Willunga Farmers’ Market, Willunga
- Wirrabara Producers Market, Southern Flinders Ranges, Wirrabara